What kind of educational programs do we offer at different age?

Our programs aim at:

Pre-school children (3-6 years old) who are interested in

  • learning to ask questions 
  • producing original ideas 
  • feeling confidence for their thoughts and feelings
  • enjoying creative thinking
  • monitoring their thinking development
  • playing logic-memory-concentration games, puzzles, brain teasers or puzzles


Early childhood children (6-9 years old) and older (9-13 years old) are interested more in

  • learning to study intelligently and efficiently
  • being aware of how they learn
  • studying critically and deeply rather than passively and hastily
  • enjoying solving challenging problems and performing experiments
  • playing logic-memory-concentration games, puzzles, brain teasers or puzzles
  • expressing freely their ideas before the class
  • understanding which learning strategies are most effective for them, and in what lessons


WE strongly BELIEVE that

Our priority to enhance the cognitive abilities of young people at early age both empowers their thought and motivation, and prevents the appearance of learning or behavior difficulties in the future.